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Is It Possible To Wash Your Plastic Shower Curtains?

You might clean your shower and bathroom pretty frequently. Yet, just how often is it that you actually clean your plastic shower liner or curtain? If you’re the same as many others, it’s probably not all that often. You might not even know how it’s possible to actually wash a plastic shower curtain. That might mean you just buy a new one when it starts looking dirty.

There’s great news. You actually can wash your plastic shower curtain, and it’s actually not all that hard. Consider the below tips in order to discover just how you can get a cleaner shower curtain without having to buy a new one every couple of months.

Pretreat The Shower Curtain

Pretreating a plastic shower curtain will do wonders in terms of preventing any nasty buildup or accumulation from soap scum.

When you go out to buy a newer plastic shower curtain, you should put it through a washing machine rinse cycle with a splash of distilled white vinegar. You should set the water temperature to warm instead of hot, since the last thing that you need is a shower curtain melting down inside the washer. You might also should check on the curtain just a few minutes in so you can see what the temperature is like.

Once the rinse cycle finishes, just hang your clean shower liner or curtain up on the shower rod so it can dry. This pretreatment can help keep a shower curtain from getting too scummy, or at least as fast as would happen with an untreated curtain.

How You Can Wash Your Shower Curtain

Use one of two distinct methods to wash your plastic shower curtain. Both of them are pretty painless.

Method 1: The Washing Machine! Just wash the shower curtain in a washing machine with warm water and gentle laundry detergent, baking soda, or vinegar. Just make sure you use one of those three cleaners and not two or three of them at once. You really don’t want a serious chemical reaction or science experiment going on inside a washing machine. Following that, hang the cleaned shower curtain back up on its rod so it can dry.

Method 2: Your Hands! Just get a microfiber cloth and some baking soda to wash the plastic shower curtain by hand. Dampen your cloth before sprinkling it with a bit of baking soda. Scrub the whole shower curtain with the cleaning solution. Once it’s scrubbed, rinse it off with warm water so you can revisit any patches with hard water stains or soap scum that were left behind. Rinse it off again before you have a nice, clean shower curtain. This process should also put a fresh scent in your bathroom.

How Frequently Should You Be Washing Your Plastic Shower Curtain?

Honestly, a lot more frequently than you might think. Consider that you’re dealing with your plastic liner or curtain in your shower almost every day. That ideally means you’re washing it monthly. At a minimum, aim for every three months. Think it over. Four to a dozen times per year really isn’t all that much. That’s especially considering how the process doesn’t take all that long since you’ve just learned how to wash your shower curtain.

Remember that washing your shower curtain can help you keep it free from soap scum. However, mildew is quite another thing. If you see mildew on a shower curtain, cloth or plastic, don’t worry. Use these tips to banish mildew from your shower curtains so you have peace of mind.

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