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A Comprehensive Guide For Making Your Own Homemade Cleaning Supplies

Making cleaning supplies from the comfort of your residence has a lot of benefits. By creating your own supplies, you will be using products that are made in an environment free from chemicals, you will save a lot of time that could otherwise have been spent in stores not to mention the huge cash savings to be made. Choosing the DIY route when making cleaning supplies is easy and considering you are likely to have most of the requisite ingredients at hand in your pantry or store, it also more convenient.

Here are the ingredients needed for the process:

Two cups of water
A quarter cup of lemon juice
One cup of hydrogen peroxide
All-purpose cleaner

All you need to do to make the ultimate cleaning solution is to mix all the ingredients together. The resulting mixture can be used for many purposes right from wiping counters to cleaning glass around your house. To preserve the integrity of the solution, keep it in a dark container since hydrogen peroxide deteriorates on exposure to light.

Recipe For Making Liquid Soap Nuts Detergent For Laundry

This recipe can make 2.5 cups of this detergent which can be used for 40 loads in an HE washing machine or 20 loads of laundry in a standard washing machine.


A half cup of vinegar
Four cups of water
One cup of Eco Nuts brand of soap nuts

Preparation Process:

Take all the ingredients and combine them in one large pot. Heat the mixture and bring it to a low boil. You should then reduce the heat to a medium low and cover it then allow the solution to simmer for thirty minutes. As the mixture simmers, stir occasionally as you mash the nuts inside with a spoon that is slotted.

You should then uncover the mixture, change the heat to low and allow it to simmer for another thirty minutes as you continue stirring occasionally.

The next step is to stop the heat and remove the mixture then strain into a clean bowl. Allow the strained mixture to cool.

If you are looking to store it for a short time, put it in a jar that is water-tight. If you are looking to store it for a long period of time, freeze it to ice cubes in ice cube trays.

Directions For Use:

For one load in an HE washing machine, use one tablespoon. For a standard washing machine, use 2 tablespoons per load.

A Guide For Making Homemade Liquified Dish Soap


An eighth cup of water
I teaspoon of vinegar
A half cup of liquid castile soap
Four drops of scented essential oil. (Choose your preferred scent).

Preparation Process:

To make this soap, simply mix all the ingredients together. Once mixed, you can store them in a recycled bottle.

A Guide For Preparing Non-Toxic Disinfectant


Thirty drops of tea tree oil
Three tablespoons of liquid castile soap
Two cups of water

Preparation Process:

All the ingredients listed above should be mixed and stored in a bottle with a spray nozzle.

A Guide For Making Homemade Air Freshener


One teaspoon of sweet orange essential oil
A half teaspoon of lemon essential oil
Three quarters teaspoon of lavender essential oil

Preparation Process:

To prepare this air freshener, you should add water to a spray bottle until it is full. Add the mixture of essential oils and shake thoroughly to blend the mixture. It is now ready for use. However, before using it each time, ensure that you shake the mixture thoroughly.

There are a myriad other cleaning supplies that you can make without leaving the comfort of your residence. If you will not create the concoctions we have describe above, let your creative flag fly and tell us what you create! Contact your local Cascade Maids for more information. Give us a call today!.

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