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No More Germs! 4 Surefire Ways To Disinfect your house After Illness

Disinfecting your home is critical to keeping the illness at bay. When dealing with brutal flu or the common cold, it’s challenging to know what to disinfect and how to get started in stopping germs from lingering in your living room or spreading to your family members. As you look forward to disinfecting the germs after an illness, it is critical to focus on the surfaces where the virus and germs live. Basically, how you clean is equally important on what you clean.

Get a new toothbrush

A toothbrush is an aspect that most people overlook while sanitizing after an illness. According to the Dental College of Georgia, flu germs and viruses can survive on a toothbrush after initial exposure. Therefore, it is recommended to get a fresh brush after or when recovering from a bug. Besides, consider getting spare toothbrushes for the whole family.

Disinfect surfaces

Since germs and flu viruses can linger on hard surfaces for over 24 hours, it is recommended to disinfect everything that family members touch every day. Consider disinfecting things like light switches, handles, refrigerators, and remote controls using an antibacterial cleaner. In addition, pay special attention to bathrooms and bedrooms. However, to avoid the unintentional spread of germs, avoid re-using the cleaning cloths to other sections of the house. Instead, toss them in the washer.
To disinfect items like non-electric metal/plastic toys, teething rings, dishes, sippy cups, and bottle nipples it is recommended to wash the item and soak them in a solution of bleach per gallon water.

Fight germs in the bedroom

It is straightforward to wash the bedding while recovering from illness, however, never compromise cleaning the throw pillow covers and blankets in your living area. Usually, sick kids frequently relax in common areas. Therefore, ensure to freshen up everything in the bedroom, particularly the blanket and pillow covers they cuddle with when you nurse them on the couch. Usually, it is advisable to use the hottest water as recommended in the item’s instruction manual. When considering cold water, be sure to add 5-10 drops of tea tree oil which gears to disinfecting your beddings naturally.

Disinfect the air

Remember the airborne germs as well. To get rid of it, open the window for a few minutes. Normally, fresh air will rejuvenate your living area. Next, fill your living space with purified essential oils such as lavender or tea tree using a diffuser.

Final thought

Simply put, every family member should wash his/her hands frequently especially when someone is ill. Be sure to have a hand sanitizer around and always use gloves when handling or cleaning possibly infected items. Just stay diligent by ensuring a high-hygienic level in your home and take advantage of any possible virus and germs in the cold season. To get professional cleaning services and advice, feel free to reach out to us today.

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