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Stay Prepared for Holiday Entertaining Disasters

Your Smoke or Carbon Monoxide Detector Goes Off

If your oven and stove are working at their top capacity, anything that’s burned on may begin to smoke and set off the alarms in your home. The best way to avoid this is to completely clean your stovetop, your oven, and your range hood before your big day, and to be sure that you use all of your vents as you cook.

Bad Smells

If you have pets, remember that your own sense of smell may have adjusted to them, but your guests may notice them as they enter your home. As you clean your home for the holidays, check out this handy guide for removing common home odors.

Spills that Can Stain

It’s highly likely that sooner or later a guest will spill something on your carpet or cause a mess and stain your table linens. Different stains will require different solutions: you can prepare by thinking about what you’ll be serving, researching stain removal solutions, and then being sure that you have everything to remove a potential stain on hand.

Sick Child

The holidays are known for sweets. This means that your home may be full of kids high on sugar, running about with their cousins, quickly becoming overheated and possibly vomiting on your floors. While you can’t stop it from happening, you can be ready with appropriate cleaning materials.

Troubles with the Garbage Disposal

A home garbage disposal is designed to process a regular day’s amount of food scraps. It is not capable of handling large amounts of potato peelings or huge amounts of food at one time. Because many people aren’t aware of this, there’s also a chance that your plumber could be busy if you call for an emergency repair, so it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Broken Dishwasher

It seems like if your dishwasher is going to break down, it’ll happen just when it will cause the most chaos – when you have people in for holiday meals. Just in case, keep liquid dish soap and clean dish towels on hand, and cheerfully accept offers to help clean up after dinner.

Get a professional house cleaner to clean up after the party. Call us for a quote.

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